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New To Southwood

Schedule of Services

Sunday School @ 10am
Morning Worship @ 11am
Evening Worship @ 6pm
Wednesday @ 7pm

(During the months of June, July and August we move our Wednesday Night service to Tuesday for Tuesday Nights of Great Preaching)

Sunday School

Southwood Baptist Church has Sunday school classes for all ages. From nursery to adult classes. Our adult  class is taught by Bro. Steve Heatherly and Pastor Dan Davis. We also have a growing youth group and graded Sunday School Classes.

Music Ministry

Southwood strives to have an outstanding music program. Our choir provides uplifting, Christ-honoring music. In every service you will hear special music by one of our groups or solos. God has bless us with people who are talented musically and have a desire to give God the glory.

Ephesians 5:19 Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord;

Bus Ministry

Obeying God’s command to go into the highways and byways and compel them to come in. Bringing boys and girls to Sunday School and Children's Church.

© 2024 by Southwood Baptist Church
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