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Meet Our Pastor

Pastor Sutton and his wife, Kim, came to Southwood in October of  2018.

Pastor was saved as a five year old boy and was raised in a Christian home.  The Suttons met in Bible College and were married in 1983. God blessed them with four children and 16 grandchildren.  

Kim is a talented designer/decorator and has put her touch in the church facilities. 

Pastor Sutton did his undergraduate work at Oklahoma Baptist College and has post graduate degrees from Freedom University as well as a Doctor of Humanities degree from Chaplain Corps College, a division of Great Plains Baptist Divinity School.  

Pastor Sutton brought Florida Capital Connection with him to Southwood.  This is a ministry of encouragement to the Florida State Legislators.

Pastor is on the command staff as Chief of Staff in the United States Service Command with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. 
Pastor Sutton is Chaplain for The North Star Multi-Jurusdictional Drug Task Force.  


Pastor & Kim Sutton

Meet our Assistant to the Pastor

Dennis and Sandy Stremming came to Southwood in May of 2019.  The Stremmings are a wonderful addition to the church family.  Bro. Dennis is a graduate of Tennessee Temple University and is in charge of the music ministry.  He is also an accomplished pianist and song writer.  

Sandy helps with church publications and records.  She also takes care of the weekly church bulletin.  


Dennis & Sandy Stremming

Meet our Associate Pastor

Pastor Dan and Nancy Davis came to Southwood in June of 2022.  We are blessed to have them here at Southwood.  Pastor Davis has pastored in numerous ministries for the past 37 years.  Bro. Davis attended Tennessee Temple University and graduated from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.  He is helping with the finances as well as Sunday school and visitation.  


Bro. Davis is also a member of the United States Service Command with the rank of Captain and is a Chaplain Ambassador.  


Nancy sings in the choir and is a soloist providing special music.  

Dan & Nancy Davis

We are an independent, fundamental, King James Bible, Gospel preaching, Baptist church that worships through traditional music.


We are a friendly congregation and would like to invite you to worship with us.

© 2024 by Southwood Baptist Church
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